The Heart Is a powerful muscle that receives used, de-oxygenated blood from around the body and returns it to the lungs for oxygenation via the system of veins and the pulmonary artery.
A good balanced diet should provide a different range of nutrients to nourish the body, including at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. We now understand that the ideal should be around 7-9 portions. Supplements are another way of increasing our intake and should be used to make up the shortfall in our diets. Not as a complete replacement.
Approximately 8% of body weight is blood
B Vitamins may be effective in reducing the risk of heart disease. These are water soluble vitamins that the body does not store therefore its is vital we consume these from our food or from a good vitamin supplement on a daily basis.
Exercise also benefits the circulation, digestion and the lungs.
Ok where do I start?
I will begin with a brief outline on Homocysteine. One of the biggest factors affecting the heart and other major body systems is high levels of homocysteine in the blood.
An Important part of protein in many foods, it is essential that the diet provides METHIONINE, as the body cannot make it.
The are very important as they are involved in the conversion process of methionine to cysteine and other amino acids important to the body.
The body produces this naturally as a bi product of methionine producing other useful components for the use in the brain and body, including the antioxidant GLUTATHIONE. However, a faulty DNA pattern or a lack of the essential B Vitamins (B2, B6, B12 or Folic Acid) will reduce the body's ability to convert HOMOCYSTEINE further.
Homocysteine Dangers
If Homocysteine accumulates in the bloodstream, the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems is increased. However High Homocysteine levels are reversible. DON'T PANIC!!
The metabolism of homocysteine depends on enzyme function within your body, lifestyle choices ( ie if you exercise or not), nutrition status (if you take supplements to make up any shortfall in your diet or not) and how effective your kidney is working.
These are vital.
Oxidation, free radical activity and oxidative stress sounds like someones else's problem. However this is very common and can go undetected. However if there aren't enough antioxidant nutrients like vitamins C, E, Co Q10 and minerals selenium, Zinc, manganese and copper coming in to the body from a Healthy diet or from supplements then oils and fats in the cell membranes begin to oxidise and deteriorate.
To give you a crude example, it would be like a bottle of oil going rancid. The result in the body would be premature ageing of the cells, not just in the skin as wrinkles, but weakening of the muscle power and structure of bones.
The Heart Is a powerful muscle that receives used, de-oxygenated blood from around the body and returns it to the lungs for oxygenation via the system of veins and the pulmonary artery.
A good balanced diet should provide a different range of nutrients to nourish the body, including at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. We now understand that the ideal should be around 7-9 portions. Supplements are another way of increasing our intake and should be used to make up the shortfall in our diets. Not as a complete replacement.
Approximately 8% of body weight is blood
B Vitamins may be effective in reducing the risk of heart disease. These are water soluble vitamins that the body does not store therefore its is vital we consume these from our food or from a good vitamin supplement on a daily basis.
Exercise also benefits the circulation, digestion and the lungs.
Ok where do I start?
I will begin with a brief outline on Homocysteine. One of the biggest factors affecting the heart and other major body systems is high levels of homocysteine in the blood.
An Important part of protein in many foods, it is essential that the diet provides METHIONINE, as the body cannot make it.
The are very important as they are involved in the conversion process of methionine to cysteine and other amino acids important to the body.

The body produces this naturally as a bi product of methionine producing other useful components for the use in the brain and body, including the antioxidant GLUTATHIONE. However, a faulty DNA pattern or a lack of the essential B Vitamins (B2, B6, B12 or Folic Acid) will reduce the body's ability to convert HOMOCYSTEINE further.
Homocysteine Dangers
If Homocysteine accumulates in the bloodstream, the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems is increased. However High Homocysteine levels are reversible. DON'T PANIC!!
The metabolism of homocysteine depends on enzyme function within your body, lifestyle choices ( ie if you exercise or not), nutrition status (if you take supplements to make up any shortfall in your diet or not) and how effective your kidney is working.
These are vital.
Oxidation, free radical activity and oxidative stress sounds like someones else's problem. However this is very common and can go undetected. However if there aren't enough antioxidant nutrients like vitamins C, E, Co Q10 and minerals selenium, Zinc, manganese and copper coming in to the body from a Healthy diet or from supplements then oils and fats in the cell membranes begin to oxidise and deteriorate.
To give you a crude example, it would be like a bottle of oil going rancid. The result in the body would be premature ageing of the cells, not just in the skin as wrinkles, but weakening of the muscle power and structure of bones.
We can put all of this right by changing many factors in the way we behave. What we eat and drink, and what social activities we choose to do. I will post some great ways to help keep your Hear healthy. Most of them are common sense but others are not. For example, we take for granted the level of nutrients obtained from our food is sufficient to maintain our body, unfortunately In my opinion most of us are running on empty. If you spoke to a mechanic and asked if it was wise to run your brand new Car on empty for long periods he would most certainly encourage you to run the car with a full tank.
Your body is your car so look after it and eat sensibly and healthy, if you cant or don't have time then supplements are GREAT!!
A good MULTIVITAMIN is a starting point. I would recommend Quest Super One A Day Multivitamin, from independent Health Foods Stores all over the Country. I would avoid Holland and Barratt at all costs and search out your local Health food retailer. The advice and knowledge offered is well worth the trip. I would say 99.9% of Independent Health Food Shops offer better value for money on a constant basis, all year round if you like. They have offers and deals on a regular basis.
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