TURMERIC Anti-Ulcer and Anti- Inflammatory
Turmeric General Information
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) is a herb which has been used as a spice, or flavouring in Asian countries for thousands of years. It forms part of the Zingiberacease (ginger family) and the root and Rhizome is crushed and powdered into ground turmeric which is commercially available. However, fresh turmeric leaves are also used as flavourings in some regions of Indonesia.
Apart from its use as a spice during cooking many studies have confirmed that turmeric has beneficial medicinal properties as well. This is largely thought to be down to a group compounds called curcuminoids, of which curcumin is present in the highest quantities.
It has been discovered that curcumin is the most biologically active compound in turmeric which has prompted numerous scientific studies as to its use in a medicinal context.
Anti-Ulcer Activity and H.pylori Inhibition
- Curcumin has been studied and emphasised its benefits for reducing the growth (inhibiting) of H. pylori
- Curcumin has been shown to prevent gastric an colon Cancers. Many mechanisms have been proposed for the chemo preventative effects. H. pylori is a Group 1 Carcinogen and is associated with the development of gastric and colon Cancer. Data from many studies has shown that curcumin inhibits the growth of H. pylori strains in vitro, and this may be one of the mechanisms by which curcumin exerts its chemo preventative effects. (anticancer Res. 2002 Nov-Dec;22(6C):4179-81.
Turmeric as an Anti-Inflammatory.
- Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for inflammatory disorders including arthritis. In the western world dietary supplements containing turmeric rhizome and turmeric extracts have been used for the treatment and prevention of arthritis.
- A commercial sample containing 94% of the three major curcuminoids was found more potent in preventing arthritis than the essential oil-depleted turmeric fraction when compared by total curcuminoid dose per body weight. In conclusion, this data suggests that the three major curcuminoids are responsible for the anti-arthritic effect, with curcumin thought to be the most effective.
Turmeric 2000% more effective with Piperine
- Turmeric has real power. However studies have now proven that by taking this traditional herbal remedy alongside Piperine (black pepper extract) the bioavailability increases by 2000%
- In studies serum levels of healthy individuals were tested once they had consumed a dose of 2g of carcumin alone. This is quite a high dose however serum levels were either undetectable or very low. This means that the liver would not process the curcuminoids present in the Turmeric. The Liver basically rejected the herbs active properties resulting in the low levels found in the blood. For Arthritis sufferers this may be bad news, especially for those still taking this type of supplement. However a further study went on to show the increased benefits of Turmeric if combined with Piperine.
- Concomitant administration of piperine 20mg produced much higher concentrations of the active compounds found in curcumin if taken 15 mins to 1 hour after administration. The increase in the bioavailability was 2000%.
- The study showes that in the dosages used, piperine enhances serum concentration, extent of absorption and bioavailability of curcumin in humans with no adverse effects.
Side Effects or Interactions
- Research has shown that much of the ingested curcumin is poorly utilised by the body due to its rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall.
- Curcumin belongs to the family of compounds called curcuminoids which are derived from Turmeric. The study showed that the activity of all curcuminoids increased with the presence of the other curcuminoids when compared to them being administered alone. Also serum levels tested higher when Piperine was administered at the same time as compared to taking it alone. the Increase was 2000%.
- There are no known contra-indications associated with Turmeric.
- Piperine has been shown to interfere with the metabolism of some pharmaceutical drugs.
- It is advisable to AVOID PIPERINE if other medications are being taken.
- Piperine increases the permeability of all cells in the body and is not specific. This therefore means that Piperine could also be taken by humans to aid or increase the absorption of nutrients from food. However care is still needed when on prescribed medication. If users are not on prescribed medication this simple product "piperine" or commonly called Black Pepper could be facilitate all alternative medication and improve bioavalability.
Turmeric is safe at doses as high as 2.5grams. In studies it showed no adverse effects.
For more information on Turmeric please click here
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